Tuesday 5 April 2016

The pursuit of happiness...

From the moment we're in a position to understand the world, we are taught to have things within our sphere of influence under lock down. Life teaches us that in order to get what we want we need to have full control of the things around us. And often that extends to the people as well. Most of my aspirations, from a tender age were channeled towards being in a position of power that would allow me to dictate the events and the course of my life. And for some time I actually thought I had it all figured out.
I knew when I would be done with my studies, and when I would be getting married. Not to mention all the other details like where I would live, my dream job and  how many children I would have. In my mind I had it all figured out. And boy, was it a pretty picture. Life according my plan, was gonna be great.
Problem was, in all the plans I was making I was forgetting one key factor.

No matter how much I planned, as long as I planned alone, in isolation from God, I planned in vain. Proverbs 16:9 reminds us that God directs our steps, despite the plans we may make. So why did I keep trying to make my own plans instead of allowing Him to direct my steps because it seemed like all I was doing was pulling in a direction contrary to the one God was taking me. But did that mean that I should sit back and do nothing at all in an attempt to allow God to 'direct' me without my constant interruption?
In the book of  Matthew 6:33, Jesus gives a pretty simple solution to this somewhat confounding situation. He says... 'But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.'
All God wanted me to do was to seek Him, His kingdom and His righteousness; and His leading would become clearer. Not only would His leading become clearer but He promises to meet us at our points of need: 'all these things shall be added unto you'. It is this very same solution that He offers us today.
How much simpler can life get?

"I can say that I never knew what joy was like until I gave up pursuing happiness, or cared to live until I chose to die. For these two discoveries I am beholden to JESUS." - Malcolm Muggeridge

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